Our Curriculum

Please see the curriculum for each class below

All of the children in Years 1 to 6 are taught the National Curriculum which was launched in September 2014. This curriculum is more challenging than the previous curriculum, particularly in English and Maths but our pupils are all enjoying the challenge. We aim to provide a wide enriched curriculum which is based on topics. In the morning pupils focus on their key skills of reading, writing and maths.  In the afternoon they use these skills across a wide range of curriculum areas. An overview of the specific classes curriculum are above. 

Phonics Scheme

We follow the Read, Write Inc. phonics programme throughout EYFS & KS1. This is used to support children higher up the school when necessary.

Parents phonic book.pdf

The Power of Reading

At Holton St Peter we use ‘The Power of Reading’ to teach our English curriculum. ‘The Power of Reading’ uses quality children’s literature and proven creative teaching approaches to support and develop a high quality literacy curriculum and a whole school love of reading and writing.

Reading for Pleasure

Children are encouraged to choose books from the wide selection available, which broadly follows the Book Band Colour Scheme. To support this, children across the school are paired up with a younger or older ‘buddy’ who reads with them at least once per week. Please see the English page below for more information.

Curriculum Subjects

Sorry, some of  these pages are presently in development,  please visit again in a few days.

Modern Foreign Language