
Welcome to the Holton Maths page! 

We follow a mastery approach to Maths, along with the other ASSET schools. Children learn about mathematical concepts by using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods, aiming to deepen their understanding through varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning activities.

Concrete methods can include resources such as base ten, place value counters, multi-link cubes, bead strings, counters, cuisenaire rods and money, giving children the change to explore their Maths understanding practically, whether in Reception or Year 6.

Pictorial methods are picture representations, such as bar models, part-whole drawings and number lines.

Abstract methods are the written equations and calculations that most of us are familiar with from our own education.

A new calculation policy is being developed by a team of ASSET Maths Co-ordinators, including our own Miss Jackson. For the moment, we are continuing to use the policy below, based on the White Rose mastery scheme policy. We hope that the new policy will make the approach even clearer for staff, parents and children.

The videos have been produced through the collaboration of Maths Champions and Film Editing club. We would love to hear your feedback as to how we can improve them… especially if you have any film making skills to share with us!

Holton Maths Vision 20_21.pdf
WRM calculation policy 2024 All year groups.pdf

External maths resources