Pupil Premium
Detailed information can be read in the Pupil Premium Reports below.
Detailed information can be read in the Pupil Premium Reports below.
We build on the good practice of our previous year by continuing to employ high quality teaching assistants to lead small group interventions in Maths and English.
We also have supported trips and extra-curricular activities for pupils. Our barriers to learning continue to include emotional issues, poor language skills from pupils not being read to regularly at home and having a limited vocabulary. The impact of our work is reviewed by our school Governors in their curriculum meetings, which take place every half term.
2021-22 Strategy Template Pupil Premium.pdf
Pupil Premium Update 2020.pdf
2021-2022 Tiered Model Pupil Premium.pdf
Holton St Peter Pupil premium statement 2021 - 2024.docx.pdf