Our Values
British Values
We recognise the importance of preparing all of our young people for life beyond school; life in modern Britain.
We teach the values of:
The Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Respect for and tolerance of those of different faiths and those of no faith
We aim to teach children to:
Respect other people
Consider each other’s points of view and know that we cannot always agree
Participate in democratic decision making processes and understand that this does not always lead to the decision they want
Know right from wrong and respect the laws we live under
Accept responsibility for their own behaviour
Make a contribution to the local community and to others outside of it
Understand the role of public institutions – such as the courts, Parliament, hospitals, schools, the church and the police
Understand and respect our own and different cultures
If you would like further information on our curriculum please contact the school.
Our Ethos
How do we help our pupils achieve our vision?
The Holton Family
Every child, parent, teacher and governor is part of our extended family that make Holton St Peter the wonderful place that it is. By allowing each child to be themselves, we support and nurture individuality in all our pupils and encourage independence from an early age.
Raising Aspirations
At Holton St Peter, we know that every child can and will achieve, and ensure that self-esteem is at the top of our priorities. When someone believes in a child, they believe in themselves and when children believe in themselves, they can achieve anything.
Support And Nurture
Two key words here at Holton St Peter. Every child is given the individual support they need, whether emotional or academic. Our team of highly qualified and experienced teaching and pastoral staff know every pupil individually and all work closely to ensure the expertise is shared to effectively help every child.
We work very closely with the local and wider community around our school, organising and running events that benefit groups outside of the school. We have built strong links with the local library, theatre, businesses and factories, giving the children experiences out of the classroom that will help their learning, boost self-confidence and enable them to become active members of their community.